7−34; >Zusammenfassung 35−41<
Mari Laanemets. Happenings und Design – Visionen der Einheit von Kunst und Leben
41−67; >Summary 68−72<
Anu Allas. The Soviet Absurd: Estonian art of the 1960s against the backdrop of existentialism
72−98; >Summary 99−102<
Elnara Taidre. Approaches to the Subject of Outer Space in Soviet Estonian Graphic Art
103−117; >Summary 118−121<
Tõnis Tatar. The Poetics of the Olav Maran Still-life
122−139; >Summary 140−144<
Epp Lankots. Narrativity in Contemporary Architectural Historiography: Some possibilities for reading Leo Gens’ texts
145−159; >Summary 160−162<
Jüri Hain. Villem Raam – the Keeper of Continuity of Art Culture
163−176; >Summary 177−180<
Merle Tank. An Insight into Estonian Art Writing 1917–1928: From Hanno Kompus to the Group of Estonian Artists
181−206; >Zusammenfassung 207−211<
Liia Rebane. Gold und Braun, Gold und Purpur. Über die neuzeitliche Einbandkunst anhand eines Einbandes von Kaspar Meuser
212−229; >Summary 230−234<
Andreas Ventsel. Hegemonic Process of Signification in Photographs
Walter Benjamin. Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit.
Translated by Mati Sirkel
CHRONICLE 1.01.–31. 12.2009